
week 10

security (the one thing every computer Internet user should be aware of), now because of different Internet provider and wireless adapters for these, some customers are limited to one type of encryption), this included info on firewalls and actions, public key cryptography (usage only for two people sharing network). continues to explain the problems with the WWW server like poor configuration, active content but then you can get bugs if the two sides aren't secure. lecture further explains into cybercrime (mainly hacking), it is understandable, wud you want any one to have your bank details, etc. . . this is why they have so many laws going back as far as 1968. as 2wards the encryptions - todays mainly only using WEP and WPA-PSK, prob would use wpa-psk, computer generated letter mostly always capitals, but you can also change it to your own, you see some devices like a net gear WG111 v.2 wireless adaptive can let you generate a wep key, but if you know the person well enough you could guess this and then generate to get the 26 characters wep key, not really secure like!!!

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